2014 Segundo Plano Week of the Arab World, Mexico City
2013 Empreintes Stock Exchange, Mexico City
Panorama Art Gallery, University Iberoamericana, Puebla, Mexico
Formas Glocales Art Museum ofTecnológico de Monterrey University, Puebla
2012 Landscapes, an Abstract Form Art Gallery Parque Morales, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Die Farben des Windes Art Gallery Corridor 23, Berlin, Germany
L´Homme de Lumière Art Museum of the UPAEP University, Puebla, Mexico
2009 Zwischen Orient und Okzident Gallery Wedding Art, Berlin, Germany
Le Chemin des Muses Contemporary Art Museum, State University, Puebla, Mexico
Congess of Mexico, Mexico City / Museum of UPAEP, Puebla
Flora Cityhall Art Gallery, Puebla, Mexico
Présence University las Américas, Puebla
2008 Faces of a Landscape Gallery Art Space, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2005 Por un Derecho a la Infancia Interactive Museum Imagina, Puebla, Mexico.
Un paseo por el Taller Cuicuilco Center, Mexico City
2004 Retratos Lejanos Colegio de Arquitectos, Mexico City / Plaza Loreto, Mexico City
Por un derecho a la infancia Cityhall Art Gallery of Tlaxcala, Mexico
2003 Variations à Nu Art Gallery of the French Alliance of Toluca, Mexico
Impressions Art Gallery of the French Alliance Polanco, Mexico City
2000 Mi Gente Contemporary Art Gallery Casa de Francia, Mexico City
2015 World Art Day Museum José Luis Cuevas, Mexico City
International Biennale of Watercolour Museum of Watercolour, Mexico City
2014 Sharjah Biennale of Calligraphy Museum of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
World Citizen Artist Award Belgravia Gallery, London
Opening Exhibition National Museum of Contemporary Art of Rabat, Morrocco
Group Exhibition Museum of Contemporary Art Toluca, Mexico
III National Contest for Painting Art Museum Soumaya, Mexico City
59 National Watercolour Exhibition Museum of Watercolour, Mexico City
2013 Example to Follow, international Gallery Capilla del Arte of the UDLA University, Puebla.
Expedition in aesthetics and sustainability Curated by Adrienne Goehler (Berlin)
X Biennale Joaquin Clausell Ex Templo de San José, Campeche, México
Intertional Biennale of Watercolour Museum of Watercolour, Mexico City
XII State Contest for Contemporary Art State Gallery of Puebla, Mexico
II National Contest for Painting National Art Museum (MUNAL), Mexico City
Group exhibition Museum of Contemporary Art, State University, Puebla, Mexico
Formas Glocales Art Museum of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Puebla
2012 XI State Contest for Contemporary Art Instituto Cultural de México en San Antonio Texas, USA
Opening Exhibition Art Museum of the University Tecnológico de Monterrey, Puebla
XI State Contest for Contemporary ArtState Gallery of Puebla, Mexico
Las Colleccionistas, installations Museum Casa del Caballero Águila (UDLAP), Cholula, México
2011 BAGL Spring Contemporary Art Fair, Berlin, Germany
X State Contest for Contemporary A rt State Gallery of Puebla, Mexico
Lanscapes and Nature Espace d´Art, Société Générale, Casablanca, Morocco
Trazos de una Ciudad Art Museum San Pedro, Puebla, Mexico
Corazoles Cultural Complex of the State University, Puebla, Mexico
2010 Bienal of Sharjah Sharjah Museum, United Arab Emirates
Marrakech Art Fair “Rencontres”, Museum of Marrakech, Morocco
2009 Rencontres Exhibition for the International Fesitival of Poetry, Berlin, Germany
Festival Barroquísimo Performance en the city theater, Puebla, Mexico
2008 XXX International Art Festival AsilahArt Museum Hassan II, Asilah, Morocco
Espejismos Contemporary Art Art Museum San Pedro, Puebla, Mexico
The Rosy Blue Master Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2006 Auction “Canvas One” CHRISTIE´S & Canvas, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2005 Painter of the Quintanar Palace Museum la Alhóndiga, Segovia, Spain
Re-Tratos de una Familia State Gallery of Puebla, Mexico
2002 Space Intervention Installation, Convention Center, Puebla
2008-2013 Member of the Art Council of Puebla
2005-2010 Art counceler for the Moroccan Embassy
Curator for several exhibitions:
2007/08 Espejismos, Contemporary Art from Middle East and North Africa, in collaboration with the Art Gallery ARTSPACE, Dubai, in the Museum San Pedro, Museum Erasto Cortés, Biblioteca Palafoxiana and UPAEP University, Puebla, Mexico
2005 For a Rifght of Childhood , Museum Imagina and Casa del Escritor, Puebla, Mexico.
2005 Morocco, a Magic of Colours in Plaza Loreto, Mexico City
2001 Festival of Arab Culture, Museum San Pedro, Puebla, Mexico
2008-now Art clases in the studio, painting, drawing, color theory, history of art.
2014 Award of the World Citizen Artist Competition, London
Selected for the III National Contest for Painting (Royal Talens), Mexico-City
2013 Selected for the VI Biennale of Calligraphy, Sharjah, UAE
Selected for the X Biennale of Painting Joaquin Clausell, Campeche, Mexico
Selected for XII State Contest for Contemporary Art, Puebla
Selected for the II National Contest for Painting (Royal Talens), Mexico-City
2011 Selected for the XI State Contest for Contemporary Art, Puebla
2010 Selected for X State Contest for Contemporary Art, Puebla
2008 Art Residency in Asilah, Morocco
2006 First Prize, Project “One” of the Internationnal Art Magazine CANVAS and CHRISTIE´S
2005 Art Residency and Schlolarship of the del Palacio del Quintanar, Segovia, Spain
Over 30 Catalogues (solo and group exhibitions), cover of art magazines and books, articles and interviews in Radio/TV in several countries.
Official Bachelor Book for French 2011 (selected artwork), Edition BELIN.
Front page of the novel LA PEAU DES DOIGTS of the writer KATIA BELKHODJA (Canada)
Minister of Finance, Morocco
Art Foundation of the City of Asilah, Morocco
Art Foundation of the Patronato del Alcazar, Segovia, Spain
Art Museum San Pedro, Puebla, Mexico
State Gallery of Contemporary Art, Puebla, Mexico
Contemporary Art Museum, State University, Puebla, Mexico
National Stock Exchange, Mexico City
University las Américas, Puebla, Mexico
CANVAS International Art Magazine, Dubai, UAE
Volkswagen of Mexico
Gargash Enterprise, Dubai, UA
Private collections: UAE, Mexico, Hong Kong, Germany, France, Canada, USA, Morrocco, South Africa, Spain